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Information about Traffic Cases

Expired License, Registration, and Inspection Cases
Certain Offenses Relating To Driver’s Licenses, Registration, Inspection Certificates, and Equipment
Proof of correction must be presented in Court at your scheduled court appearance.
If you are charged with “driving a vehicle that does not display two valid license plates,” the court may dismiss this charge if you remedy the defect before your first court appearance. You must pay an administrative fee of $10 when the charge is dismissed. Tex. Transp. Code 504.943
If you are charged with “driving a motor vehicle without a properly displayed registration insignia for the period," the court may dismiss the charge if you remedy the defect before your first court appearance or show that the motor vehicle was issued a registration insignia that was attached to the vehicle establishing that the vehicle was registered for the period during which the offense was committed. You must pay an administrative fee of $10 when the charge is dismissed.Tex. Transp. Code 502.473
If you are charged with “driving a motor vehicle with an expired registration,” the court may dismiss the charge if you remedy the defect not later than the 20th working day after the date of the offense or before your first court appearance, whichever is later. You must pay an administrative fee of $10 when the charge is dismissed. Tex. Transp. Code 502.407
If you are charged with the offense of “attaching or displaying on a motor vehicle a registration insignia that is assigned for a registration period other than the registration period in effect,” the court may dismiss the charge if you remedy the defect before your first court appearance. You must pay an administrative fee of $10 when the charge is dismissed. Tex. Transp. Code 502.475
If you are charged with “attaching or displaying on a motor vehicle a license plate that is issued for a different motor vehicle, is issued for the vehicle under any other motor vehicle law other than by the department, is assigned for a registration period other than the registration period in effect, has blurring or reflective matter that impairs the readability of the name of the state in which the vehicle is registered or the letters or numbers of the license plate, has an illuminated device or sticker, decal, emblem, or other insignia that is not authorized by law and that interferes with the readability of the letters or numbers or the name of the state in which the vehicle is registered, or has a coating, covering, protective substance, or other material,” the court may dismiss the charge if you remedy the defect before your first court appearance. You must pay an administrative fee of $10 when the charge is dismissed. Tex. Transp. Code 504.945
If you are charged with “driving a motor vehicle without carrying or displaying your driver’s license,” and the charge is dismissed because you produced in court a driver's license issued to you, appropriate for the type of vehicle you were operating, and which was valid at the time of the offense, you must pay an administrative fee of $10 if the charge is dismissed. Tex. Transp. Code 521.025
If you are charged with “driving with an expired driver’s license,” the court may dismiss the charge if you remedy this defect within 20 working days or before your first court appearance, whichever is later. You must pay an administrative fee of $10 if the charge is dismissed. Tex. Transp. Code 521.026
If you are charged with “failing to notify the Department of Public Safety of a change of name or residence address, or status,” the court may dismiss this charge if you remedy the defect not later than 20 days from the date of the offense. You must pay an administrative fee of $10.00. Tex. Transp. Code 521.054
If you are charged with “operating a motor vehicle in violation of a restriction or an endorsement” imposed on your license because of a physical condition that was medically corrected before the date of the offense, or was imposed in error, and the Department of Public Safety removes the restriction or endorsement before your first court appearance, the court may dismiss the charge. You must pay an administrative fee of $10.00. Tex. Transp. Code 521.221
If you are charged with “driving a vehicle, other than a commercial vehicle, that is improperly equipped or otherwise unsafe,” the court may dismiss this charge if you remedy the defect before your first court appearance. You must pay an administrative fee of $10.00. Tex. Transp. Code 547.004
If you are charged with “driving a vehicle with an expired inspection certificate,” the court will dismiss the charge if you remedy the defect within 20 working days or before your first court appearance, whichever is later, and the inspection certificate was not expired for more than 60 days. The court may dismiss the charge if the inspection certificate was expired for more than 60 days. If the charge is dismissed, you must pay an administrative fee of $10.00. Tex. Transp. Code 548.605
If you are charged with “parking a vehicle displaying expired specialty license plates for persons with disabilities or an expired disabled parking placard,” in a space designated specifically for individuals with disabilities, the court will dismiss the charge if the disabled parking placard has not been expired for more than 60 days and you have remedied the defect by renewing the expired plates or placard within 20 working days or before your first court appearance. The court may dismiss the charge if the placard was expired for more than 60 days. You must pay an administrative fee of $10 when the charge is dismissed. Tex.Transp. Code 681.013

Presenting Documents to the Court

It is a serious crime to present to the court any document, knowing that
it is false, intending to affect the outcome of a criminal case.
Information about Traffic Cases >> |

General Information
This information is furnished to you to provide basic information
relative to the law governing procedures for traffic cases in the Harris
County Justice Courts.
The Harris County Justices of the Peace and the Clerks of
the Harris County Justice Courts are not allowed to give legal advice.
You are urged to review the applicable laws and to consult an attorney
of your choice for further information or answers to specific legal questions.
You have the right to a trial by a jury and to be represented
by an attorney of your choice, or to represent yourself.
Traffic offenses, generally, are punishable by a fine of
not more than $200.00 and all costs of court.
Disclaimer: The law is constantly changing and there may
be times when the information on this web site will not be current. This
information is provided for general informational purposes only and is
not intended as legal advice. This information is not a comprehensive
treatment of the subject and is not a substitute for advice from an attorney.