For further information applicable to specific court(s), please see the individual court’s webpage by using the COURTS drop down menu located at the top of this page, and choose the court in which you are interested.
We encourage litigants to file all civil and some criminal filings through efiletexas.gov (see link to the right) or through other such means as the individual court may permit. We also encourage defendants who are wishing to sign up for driving safety courses, enter no contest pleas and pay their criminal citations, pay deferred disposition costs (new option), or make partial payments on judgments (new option) to use the Online Payment options. Search for your case below to see if you are eligible for any of these options.
Please keep in mind that the Harris County Justices of the Peace and the clerks of the Harris County Justice Courts are not allowed to give legal advice. You are urged to review the applicable laws and to consult an attorney of your choice for further information or answers to specific legal questions.
Online Services for Cases
Apply for Driver Safety Course
Defendants with eligible offenses may use this service
to apply for the Driving Safety Course or Motorcycle Operator Training Course dismissal and to pay the required court
You will be asked to pay court costs as part of the application process. Do not take the course before you receive approval from the Court.
If you intend to apply for a driving safety course or motorcycle operator training course, do NOT pay
the citation.
Pay Your Citation
Defendants who are not otherwise required to make a personal appearance in court may use this service to pay their citations online with a credit card. You may search for your case at the link below to see if your case is eligible for online payment.
If there has been a warrant issued for your arrest for your failure to appear or failure to pay, you may still be eligible to pay online. However, the warrant will not be recalled until payment is received by the court. This can take up to the next business day.
If you are convicted of a criminal offense, the sentence will include payment of a fine and court costs. If you are unable to pay that amount, bring this to the court's attention immediately. The judge can provide you with alternatives to full payment if you are determined to have insufficient resources or income to pay all or part of the fine or costs. For more information, consult an attorney or contact the court.
Find Information about Cases and Dockets
Search for case in Harris Counties Odyssey Web Portal
Cases and Dockets