Public Notice for Justice Court Pct. 7 Place 1, Honorable Wanda Adams

Justice Court 7-1 is accepting filings, pleadings and payments in person at the clerk's office and through our web page and through electronic filing.

The Court is accepting payments in person and through our web site:

To adhere to social distancing guidelines, we continue to encourage litigants to file all civil and certain criminal filings through We also encourage traffic and criminal defendants to use the Online Payment option to perform the following:
  • Enter no contest plea to apply for driving safety course;
  • Enter no contest plea to pay criminal citations;
  • Pay deferred disposition costs (New Option!); or
  • Make partial payments on judgments (New Option!).
Monitor the status of your criminal or civil case:

In the event of an emergency, contact the Court by telephone or email:

Persons with COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, a fever, or who are coughing and sneezing, must contact the court before appearing.

Thank you for following the best practices during this crisis; the health and safety of our community and our staff are the highest priority.

Judge Wanda Adams

Public Notice for Justice Court Pct. 7 Place 1, Honorable Wanda Adams

Beginning September 9, 2024, all Civil proceedings / Eviction proceedings / Small Claim proceedings will be held Via ZOOM. Please contact the Court if you have any questions.

Online Services
If you have a criminal or traffic case pending in this court and would like to communicate with the District Attorney's Office about your case(s), please send an email to the following address:

Find Your Case and Court Date

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Pay Your Traffic Ticket

Apply for Driver Safety Course

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