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Judge Wanda E. Adams
Wanda Adams was first elected as Harris County Justice of the Peace Precinct 7, Place 1, in 2020 after
serving 7 years on the Houston Independent School District Board of Education and the limit of three two-year
terms as a member of the Houston City Council for District D.
Judge Adams is a native Houstonian and product of HISD, graduating as a basketball standout from Kashmere
High School. She received an athletic scholarship to Texas Southern University, where she earned her
bachelors of science degree in public affairs administration of justice and a master's degree in public
administration. Judge Adams also had the opportunity to study abroad at the Federal University of Bahia in
Brazil Social Justice Program under the Barbara Jordan Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs.
She has served as a professor of political science at her alma mater, where she also hosted the KTSU publicaffairs radio program "Impact Houston Live." Judge Adams is also the first African-American woman to be
appointed to serve on the Harris County Appraisal District Board of Directors.
As a public servant, Judge Adams has been committed to support for the homeless, veterans, the disabled,
and mentally ill, and is a strong advocate for breast cancer awareness and women affected by domestic
violence. During her role as Justice of the Peace, Judge Adams continues to help our less fortunate citizens by
providing resources preventing citizens from becoming homeless. She has created her Beyond the Bench
initiatives that help homeowners and tenants gain information on retaining their homes, by avoiding evictions,
hosting job fairs and referring tenants weekly to HCC for education opportunities and job leads.
She is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and has had the honor of being appointed to national
committees, including the Social Action Commission and the National/Regional Housing Task Force. Judge
Adams received an appointment to serve on the State Social Action Committee. She also served as a trustee
for the Museum of Fine Arts Houston and is a member of Leadership Houston Class 30.
Among her awards are having a community park named in her honor 2023 Epsilon Sigma Chapter Pearls of
Service Recipient Award ;2023 Winners Global Magazine 2023 Top Women of the Year, 2022 Anderson
Academy Astronomical Leadership Award, 2021 President Joe Biden Lifetime Achievement Award, 2021 The
Fountain of Praise Church Servant Leader Award, 2018 Women Making History Leadership Award from
Texas Democratic Women of Harris County; Kashmere Former Athletes Association inductee into the 2018
Kashmere Ring of Honor; Black Professional Cowboys and Cowgirls Association 2017 Trailblazer of the Year;
2017 Servant Leader Award from Fountain of Praise Church; 2017 Communication and Leadership Award
from Toastmasters International; 2017 Knights of Peter Claver Living Legends Award;'s Top 30
Influential Women and Top 50 Black Professionals and Entrepreneurs; Houston Woman magazine's Top 50
Women in Houston; the Houston Area Association for the Education of Young Children's Elected Official of the
Year Award; selection to's Top 25 Women; and the Award of Distinction from the National
Forum of Black Public Accountants. Judge Adams also partnered with KRIV Fox 26 on a television news
special, "Diversity in the Classroom," at Westbury High School. The program won a 2015 Lone Star Emmy