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About Judge Angela D. Rodriguez
Judge Angela D. Rodriguez is a native Houstonian, born and raised in Houston, Texas. Judge Rodriguez served in the award-winning Immigration clinic at her law school.
She has served as law clerk for the Law Office of Harry Gee, P.C. before devoting her time as a lawyer in private practice.
Judge Rodriguez has been licensed to practice law since 2013 and has represented clients in Felony and Misdemeanor Criminal courts, Civil court and Immigration court as well as in Construction Law matters. In addition to her studies in Houston, Judge Rodriguez studied law abroad in London, England and also spent one year teaching abroad in a private school in Mexico before law school.
She was sworn in as the Presiding Justice of the Peace in Precinct 6, Place 2, by her Father in 2018.
Judge Angela enjoys rooting for the Houston, Texans, being involved with community projects and spending quality time with family and friends.
Graduate of Bellaire Senior High School, 1996
University of Houston
B. A. English Literature
B. A. Psychology
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, 2011
Texas Southern University,
Doctor of Jurisprudence
International Student Component
London, England
College of the State Bar of Texas
BOD - Bail Bond Board
BOD - East End Chamber of Commerce 2018-2019
MABAH Mexican American Bar Association of Houston, BOD 2015
TLA Texas Lawyers Association
HCDLA Harris County Democratic Lawyers Association
Tejano Democrats
1996, Member of the Regional Championship team for Odyssey of the Mind (OM), a scholastic competition
1994, YWCA Magnolia Branch
Volunteer of the Year
2011, Texas Southern University, School of Law
Am/Jur/Cai Award, Trial Simulation
Am/Jur/Cai Award, Federal Jurisdiction
Community Involvement
Houston Hispanic Forum: Lawyer Panelist for 4+ years
Fiestas Patrias Organizer - Lead Committee
YWCA Magnolia Branch,
Volunteer of the Year for founding a reading program for children.
Volunteer Attorney for MABAH Legal Call Center
Past Volunteer Attorney for BTDT - A program to empower survivors of human trafficking and family violence.